Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dress Like Twins

As I look around the room today, I notice that people seem to be dressing like the person sitting next to them.  There are these pairs of dressed alike twins.  And I myself, am guilty of this.  I am wearing the same Old Navy (or was it Target?) white polo with navy blue stripes as the guy sitting two seats over (Milhouse).  Well, not the same polo, that would be silly and it would suck for the guy in the seat between us.  Last time it was the same green shorts and baby blue polo. 

So you know that one guy that nobody likes?  EVERYONE else needs to put an e-mail list together, pick an outfit, and just not tell that one guy.  Maybe he’ll cry and run home to mommy.  Or more likely, maybe everyone else will ignore you and you’ll be the idiot and will have to run home to mommy.  I hope she has Oreos

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