If you had followed your dreams, right now you could be running a unicorn ranch, saving cats from trees, or resuscitating your athletic career. (Don't you feel like an idiot?)
If law school has decimated the part of your brain that allows you to immerse yourself in fantasy and the desire to pursue unattainable, impractical goals, there is still an option for you that allows you to daydream about the short-term future:
A) Do, Dump, or Date (if you're from Utah or Southern Idaho - Marry, Dump, or Date; if you are a heathen - Marry, F@$k, or Kill)
How to Play:
1) Player 1 - arbitrarily choose three people - Barbri lecturers, law school professors, celebrities, politicians, etc.
2) All Remaining Players - place each of the three people in one of three categories - 1 person per category - giving the reasons for placement
If you are Player 1, your ultimate goal can be to find out more about your friends, or to pick three people, all of whom are infinitely embarrassing, in the hopes forcing your friends to put someone shameful/embarrassing/gross into the "Do" category. (You are such a good friend.)
Example Round:
Since we are now on corporations, choosing three CEOs seems appropriate.
1) Steve Jobs
2) Warren Buffet
3) Martha Stewart
Here's what I would pick:
Do - Steve Jobs - Why? Just look at this photo:
Dump - Martha Stewart - really, I can do better than a felony criminal (it's not like it was civil disobedience)
Date - Warren Buffett - the Oracle from Omaha could give me some sweet stock tips and help me develop a plan to pay off those law school loans.
How would you decide?
Wrong - dump Steve Jobs, easy. Have you ever used iTunes? Do Martha Stewart - Kinky prison sex skills. Date Warren Buffet: He seems like a pretty nice guy.