Potential Roles:
1) Vampire (usually coupled with Werewolf)
2) Medieval Character (Wench, Blacksmith, Knight, Princess)
3) Gypsy (no, they do not use the politically correct term, "Roma")
4) Generic Fantasy Character (Wizard, Elf, Ogre, etc.)
5) Borrowed Fantasy Character (Lord of the Rings, Avatar)
6) Historical Character (Pirates, Wild West, etc.)
7) Made-up BS Character (no one cares about this character, but feel free to continue your efforts at writing a graphic novel devoted to its backstory)
When you were younger you might have laughed at these people, but now that you are older, you realize that they display several traits that might make them successful mates:
1) obsessive devotion to unimportant things (you're not really that important, are you?)
2) creativity (character backstories)
3) excellent tailoring capabilities (years of making handmade costumes)
4) high likelihood of eternal monogamy with someone willing to copulate with them
Now, a little creativity is good, but you need someone who can also complete a task. Someone who can provide for your family through any means necessary. Someone who likes to travel. Someone who can abide by a code.
You need a pirate.
You need Pirate Date.
Email us with your dating success stories (photos, please)!
A little disappointed that you didn't take the opportunity to link to a wench picture.