Friday, May 27, 2011

Guest Submission: Reclaim Your Life

Hey folks - this is the first of the guest submissions.  This is brought to you by "MLU" MLU is taking BarBri for the Texas exam.  That's one of those crazy, three-dayers, right?  And MLU attended school in California.  Points for not taking that bar.  MLU has a blog.  Check it out at:

It's only week two of Barbri, but already, your life has been taken over. Consider yourself pwned. And then, next time you're sitting in class, consider these five ways to reclaim your life:

1. Arbitrarily unfriend a few Facebook friends. Talk about a power trip. Shelby - GOODBYE. Miriam - DELETE. Matt - POW POW. Who's in control now?! (Well, probably still Barbri, but it's a start.)

2. Wash your hands. Barbri may go all "Fifth Amendment taking" on your soul, but don't let it condemn your hygiene. Go ahead and wash your hands on that next ten-minute break. Maybe even use some soap. Live a little.

3. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, laugh at the professor's corny jokes. Don't do it. Just. Don't. Do. It. They're not even that funny. Okay, except for the one about Joan Rivers not being a natural person . . . and that other one about Bill Clinton's movie "Waiting to Inhale" . . .

4. When you find yourself analyzing real-life scenarios for possible claims - outside of class! - hit yourself in the head. Better yet, hit your funny bone against the nearest hard object. And don't ever do that out-of-class analysis ever again. It's not funny.

5. Start calling it "Barfbri." If you can't beat it, insult it. You'll feel better.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Get Your Shop On

For those of you taking the New York class, things are probably settling in nicely.  You're learning torts from the weirdo who doesn't use an outline - don't worry, that will make more sense once you've filled in the blanks in an outline.  Until you get to DomRel of course. 

So you're in class and you're taking notes furiously.  That's gonna stop.  It stopped for us.  We were so bored, we got on group gchat.  And someone said, "The website should really exist."  This domain was free, so we went with that instead.  And never looked back.  Just fill in the blanks and you'll be fine.

Now you need to know what to do.  Your first instinct is correct.  Run up more debt.  Go shopping.  There are plenty of fun ways to buy things that might be useful while in class.  For starters, you're not going to cook again for the next two months.  So get a Groupon.  It will make you feel good about eating in fancy restaurants while saving $10 per meal.  That's something.  And if you haven't bought a Groupon before, you should totally sign up through that, or this, link.

But food's not the only thing.  You need something for the evenings.  Amazon has an adult section.  With some decent sales.  It's quite the way to de-stress.  Just don't break any laws - you still have to pass character and fitness. 

There's also clothing shopping.  While it appears that Brooks Brothers has the occasional sale and Jos. A. Bank occasionally doesn't, those stores are out of your league.  (For what it's worth, I'm as shocked that Jos. A. Bank is a clothing store as I am that Sneaker Deposit is a bank).  No, you need to wear clothing that fits your current status - and you can only find that on Craig's List.  You can get person items, paintball t-shirts, wedding dresses, and a whole lot more. 

You can also use Craig's List to find someone to share that amazon purchase with, after a nice night out using your groupon

BarBri sucks - live a little. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Study Hard, Play Hard, and Write Blog Posts During Class

We, the writers of this blog, Type A-Minus, Doodie, and myself, the Breacher, have failed you.  And that's mostly because this blog has no billing code and/or will not get us a job.  We have not posted since February, and have not posted in earnest since the bar exam.  And that's mostly because now we need money in order to eat

Therefore, we are looking for a few good writers who can carry on the Stuff to do During BarBri tradition.  Start by sending us a guest posting via e-mail:  We will post it.  If you show some commitment and send us one or two, we'll be in touch about getting you an account to post to the blog. 

What's in it for you?  Nothing.  Except the joy of having your posts read by the masses depressed J.D.'s studying for the bar exam.  And you'll have something to do during the mind-numbing lectures.  Send us a guest submission and we'll get you going.  If we get more than four, we'll figure out a way to pick among you.  But I doubt we will.

We won't stop posting; at least not more than we're already not posting.  But you'll definitely be the star of the show.  C'mon people - we all passed two bars while writing this blog, and have since vowed never to pass one again (without going in for a drink).  You can do it too.