Making fun of a classmate is always a good time. Like law school, a Barbri class has a lot of potential targets. You are in a room full of people who made bad choices. Attending law school, for example. But that's not a good target, because you made the same choice. And probably didn't exactly dominate, either.
So you need to find something else. Maybe someone they slept with; or a recent purchase. Take the guy who sits next to me. I don't want to name names, so let's just call him MHouse. Actually, that's too obvious. Lets go with Mil.
Mil recently purchased an ipad. It seems like a great product. It has all the limitations of an iphone, but it is too big to fit in a pocket. And it is not a phone. You can, however, use the ipad to read books. Like the science fiction novel Mil has recently been reading in class (Mil brings his laptop on days like today, so he can stream the World Cup). If you hang out with a lot of nerdy 7th graders, you would probably recognize the book. When asked, Mil mumbled something about it being cheap.
The cheapest ipad is about $500. Books vary in price, but tend to cost about as much as a book. The ipad does give you a lot of street cred, at least if you live on a street full of hipsters. Unlike, say, a Dell, ipads are cool, because they are not produced by a big corporation. Well, they are, but it is run by an annoying megalomaniac, whose cult of personality is second only to The Great Leader's. And Apple products allow teens and twenty-somethings to show that they are unique, just like all their friends. Now that is will worth few hundred dollars.
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