Yesterday afternoon, I was watching daytime TV rather than studying. I think it was something about animals in Africa on NatGeo or Animal Planet. Daytime TV is filled with amazing commercials: debt consolidation, malpractice and personal injury attorneys, shitty educational institutions, and that guy saying "It's your money". One of these amazing commercials came on. It was asking for donations to save neglected animals. If you are unemployed, a student, or otherwise useless, you probably know the one. It shows pictures of sad-looking but surprising well-fed puppies and kittens, and Sarah McLachlan is singing in the background.
I detest this commercial. I think it is even worse than the ones with the old guy and the destitute children, perhaps because I think people are more important than animals. But I hate them both, so it is more likely that I find Sarah annoying. I also don't like others trying to make me feel guilty so I will do what they want (mom). I mean, I don't want to send money to some kid in South America. He will probably be ugly, not like those cute little kids in the commercial. And he will lord "his" money over all the unsupported kids in the neighborhood, then grow up to join some stupid, America-bashing, left-wing rebel group. But I digress.
Back to the animal cruelty commercial. As I mentioned, this commercial really "grinds my gears". This despite the fact that I am not a former Falcons quarterback, and I actually like animals. Especially dogs; I am largely indifferent to cats. I also like turtles. But this commercial makes me hate animals. In fact, I kind of want to see them blown up. I don't want to blow them up myself, just see it. Lucky for me, the internets provide these gems, which can be viewed during Barbri:
And my personal favorite:
Look what you've done, Sarah McLachlan. You are a terrible person.
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