Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trivia Answer

A few days ago I posted a trivia question based on the West Wing.  It asked you to name the first sixteen people that knew President Josiah Bartlett had multiple-sclerosis (which evidently makes him a bad person).  I think someone in the comments there got it - congrats.  You get a babillion points.  For those who didn't know it was:

The First Family (5)
The Original Doctors and Radiologists (6)
The President's Brother John (1)
VPOTUS John Hoynes
COS Leo McGarry

Chairman Admiral Percy Fitzwallace
Dr. David Lee, the Anesthesiologist at GW when Bartlett was shot
Toby, of course, was the seventeenth

There is a bonus answer.  Charlie found out from Zoe at some point, but nobody knew this yet.  So he would be in the mix somewhere.  Plus 1 to your babillion if you knew that too. 

I'm going to play real life trivia at a bar tonight.  We'll work on finding a suitable question for your enjoyment to be posted in the next few days. 

1 comment:

  1. Wish I saw this trivia question earlier, this season's on Bravo right now.. and I watch it every morning when I say I'm going to work on multi-state multiple choice questions.
