Monday, June 28, 2010

Pretend You're an Adult

It's been at least 5 years since you were a teenager.  That officially makes you an adult.  Adults are not allowed to obsess over things associated with being a teenager.  

Teenagers obsess over teen pop idols, videogames, other people's lives, making out, the prom, and vampires.

If you're not ready to be an adult, or if you're nostalgic for your teenagerhood, you may still be able to obsess over these things if you place a thin veneer of sophistication over their surfaces.

Here are some suggestions that might allow you to obsess in a socially acceptable way:

1) teen pop idols

Get your PhD in the study of teen pop idols or pop music

2) videogames

Form a Gamer Symphony Orchestra and hold concerts where you perform orchestral arrangements of your favorite video game songs while dressed in tuxedos.

3) other people's lives

Make a career out of your obsession and go to journalism school

4) making out

Become a sex advice columnist.

5) the prom

Write books for young adults (you are only doing research, right?).

6) vampires

Be a method character actor.  It's not kinky/strange live action roleplaying, it's preparation for your professional obligations.

These options are but a few of many ways to prolong your adolescence while maintaining a professional occupation and being able to pay your rent in a way that is mildly socially acceptable.  If only I could think of a way to maintain my adolescence while attempting to become a licensed professional attorney . . . . 

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