Friday, June 18, 2010

Listen to Podcasts

For this diversion, you just need an mp3 player and headphones and class will get tons better.

You should stop paying full attention to the lecture and start paying partial attention to something else.  Something else in addition to this blog.

So what should you listen to for podcasts?  I can think of just a few that worth it.

For starters, my favorite podcast is the Keith and the Girl Show.  This is an excellent comedy duo who record shows daily from their home in Queens, NY.  They've recorded over 1000 shows and never stop bringing the funny.  All of their previous shows are available online - so there is no fear of running out of material between now and the bar exam.  They also have forums and a chatroom (like the good ol' AOL days) so there's plenty of distraction for class.  WARNING: If you listen, you'll likely be laughing during class.  Some of your classmates laugh at the jokes the professors make on the videos, but those aren't funny.  You wouldn't want to give the wrong impression.  Nonetheless, this is definitely a better way to entertain yourself during class.

Second, and really this is it as far as I'm concerned, there are some podcasts from NPR that are worth listening to.  My favorites from the weekend lineup all post their shows as podcasts each week.  Miss This American Life, Car Talk, or Wait Wait Don't Tell Me?  Listen during class.

And of course you should read this blog!


  1. I'll second the podcast suggestion.

    Some of my favorites are PRI's The World, A History of the World in 100 Objects, The Moth (a really, really excellent podcast), and, since we are lawyers after all, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Oral Arguments podcast .

  2. The Moth has live readings in NYC (also worth it)

  3. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.
