Thursday, June 24, 2010

Find a New Addiction

You are a law student. This means you probably have been addicted to caffeine for years. You have also acquired a "taste" for Adderall. Ah, delicious Addie. Remember your first cup of coffee? I doubt it; you were probably a kid, and thought it tasted terrible. Instead, you probably started in college, like the rest of your generation, during the Great Starbucks Takeover. You do remember Addie, though. During first year, probably during first semester finals. If you are a true gunner, you might have started earlier, while trying to revise the rough draft of your first legal writing paper for the 17th time. It was great. Studying was suddenly so much easier. You could stay up all night, and actually get work done. And the siren song of those Law and Order reruns were muted.

But that was over two years ago, and the thrill is gone. Now Addie is just another crutch you use to get through bar studying, and reminds you only of work. Terrible, boring work. Remember that person you dated for two years in college? You hooked up with them after a long dry spell, and just sort of kept at it. There was an initial buzz, but you quickly realized that you didn't find this person particularly attractive, and they had lots of annoying qualities. But life was easier when you could get laid semi-regularly, and you didn't really have any other options. That's kind of how you feel about Addie now.

It is time for something new. One possibility is meth. Like caffeine and Adderall, it is an upper, and may keep you awake and focused. It seems like the next natural step. Maybe it is, but you should avoid it. It is time to start something new, and break away from those old habits that have always let you down. It is time to find something that doesn't help you work.

It is time to get addicted to chewing tobacco. Never really thought about that one, did you? Well, you should. Chewing tobacco is purely recreational. It is also versatile. You can use it when drinking, studying, or even during Barbri. It will give a buzz, because, like the other upper-middle class elitists who dominate law school, you have never really used much tobacco. It is really addictive, but that's kind of the point. And, this girl probably find it attractive (Unfortunately, this is her type, and you are this.). Give it a try. All you need is a tin of tobacco, and an empty plastic bottle to spit in.

Imagine how much your spitting would annoy your classmates!

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