Friday, July 23, 2010

One More Good Deed

A good deed is usually recorded, right?  Well, we're going to do a different kind of good deed - and this is in a race jurisdiction:

Thanks to our earlier efforts (and those of others) Jen Taylor is one of the five riders nominated to be on Boloco's virtual team. Boloco is currently donating 25 cents from every Cape Codder smoothie sold to a PMC fund. One of the five finalists will be chosen to receive, as a PMC donation, that money Boloco is raising. Details are here (if you live near a Boloco, go pick up a smoothie!):

Jen needs your help to win that sponsorship! Not only is this a great promotion that will raise more money for the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber, winning this sponsorship will help Team Sara G reach its $12,600 goal that much more quickly. Voting is easy! Just click on this link, then click on "LIKE" to vote for me!

(You have to be signed into a Facebook account to like the page. If you are not on Facebook, please send this to anyone you know who is!)

The contest ends on July 28. Please pass this along to anyone you know on Facebook - it's free, it takes 10 seconds, and it's the easiest way to support the PMC!

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