Sunday, July 18, 2010

Create an Exciting, Politically-Correct Drinking Game

You are now in the home stretch. Everything is a haze, and your body, brain, and acquaintances hate you even more than they did two months ago. But soon, you will be celebrating. You should be planning ahead.

Your post-bar experience will likely involve a lot of drinking. One great way to make the world's best activity even better is to play drinking games. Unfortunately, you have played all of them many, many times. They may be getting a little long in the tooth. It is time to invent a new one. Your new game should be relatively easy, allow you to make others drink, and be PC. It should be PC because the only "friends" you have left are fellow classmates from law school, and most law students are stuck-up, easily-offended bastards with no sense of humor.

Below is a drinking game example. It uses an older, non-drinking game, and adds drinking requirements. It really is that simple!

Dreidel, Improved by Gentiles & Alcohol

Use the basic, boring Dreidel rules. In addition to gaining or losing gelt, however, you also drink! The drinking rules are as follows:
  • As the dreidel spins, the spinner selects another game member.
  • If the the dreidel lands on gimel, the designated person drinks twice, if on hey, the designated person drinks once.
  • If the dreidel lands on shin, the spinner drinks twice, if on nun, the spinner drinks once.
  • If the spinner forgets to designate someone before the spin ends, they drink whatever the spin dictates.
  • Players ante one piece of gelt before each spin; as the pot increases, so does the number of drinks the spinner or designee must take. Add one drink each time the pot increases by the number of players (so, if there are 4 players, add one drink when the pot reaches 8, another when it reaches 12, etc.).
  • If a person spins a gimel when the pot exceeds a designated size (such as nine or more pieces of gelt), that person gets to make a rule (for example: if you use someone's first name, both you & that person must drink). The rules can affect only drinking, not the core of the game itself.
  • You can make another player drink by putting two pieces of gelt into the pot.
  • If you run out of gelt, and cannot ante, you must drink as the ante. If you spin a shin and cannot pay, you take an extra drink to cover the piece you are supposed to pay into the pot.
  • You must make a good dreidel spin. If your first spin sucks, you get one retry, but you have to drink. If you fail again, you must drink and pass the dreidel, and everyone antes again. This happens a lot when playing with drunk goyim (gentiles, like the brilliant inventors of this game).
  • There are a couple noteworthy minhagim (customs). If you have to take a second spin, it is known as taking a "jewigan". Also, everyone yells "hopa!" when someone lands on gimel, especially when there is enough gelt in the pot to make a rule.

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