Monday, July 26, 2010

Kick Ass

Yup. It’s time. You can do this. Or you can’t, but you won’t know until November. And by then you won’t care. Well, you’ll care, but there won’t be anything you can do about then. Turns out there’s nothing you can do about it now either. Let’s face it - you haven’t looked at Workers’ Comp since the first day of BarBri and we’re going to have two essays about it tomorrow. Okay, one essay about that and one about a credit card company’s contract coming out of Delaware with a former NY resident now living in Connecticut. Whose usury laws do we follow? And when you go to your lawyer’s office, you leave the car in a garage. Is it a bailment? FUCK!

Now that you have six more subjects that you just remembered you need to study, I just want to relate a tale of my youth and wish you a good night. I have studied fairly adequately for the last few weeks. It reminds me of when I studied for my AP Bio exam in high school. I took the day before off. Our casebook had fifty chapters. A classmate and I reviewed forty-five of them. One was the introduction. Four others each comprised the basis of one of the questions on the AP Test. That’s my luck. And I’m taking the test with you tomorrow, at least if you’re in NY, or Thursday if you’re in MA, and that makes it your luck too. So get ready for the subjects I never studied (see earlier paragraph).

We’re not done posting, we’re just done posting until after the bar (or maybe until after the NY Essay day). Keep following us, and good luck. To at least however many of you will fail anyway. What’s the NY pass rate these days? I need some help – some of you have to fail.

And, if you’re a single guy reading this in a hotel, I bet there’s a single girl out there, just looking for a distraction from trusts. Go take advantage – without force, threat of force, or unconsciousness; that way it’s not a problem. Unless she’s younger than seventeen. What’s the mens rea requirement again?

Good night.

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