Monday, October 4, 2010

Entertain Yourself on the Road

If you're like me, and let's face it, you are, you took the vacation of your life at some point since August.  Or, you took it in June and July and will have another opportunity to take the bar an awesome trip in February.

I drove to Florida, took a cruise, and drove home back up north.  What to do in the car?  Besides eating.  Well, for starters, I got jokes.  I pulled in here.
You all know why?  I thought I'd defer to this gas station.
Also, my lady and I figured we'd play a game I call the "Privileges of Immunities game."  Many of you know it as the "license plate game."  That's where you first see if you can name all of the states.  You'll get about 46 or 47 and will keep racking your brain until you remember Wyoming, and the other ones you missed (WEST VIRGINIA, that's right).  Then, you'll pay more attention to the license plates on the road than the fact that you still have 300 miles to drive.  You'll live for rest stops and box stores because there will be so many cars, and you'll certainly find Hawaii (Costco in New Jersey) and Kentucky (Home Depot in Alaska).  It passes the time.

And, if you're smart, you'll also borrow a book or three on CD from the library, rip it to your iWasMolestedBySteveJobspod and get some literature in ya.

(for those who were wondering, the license plate game story was really just an excuse to make a joke about how the privileges or immunities clause guarantees us only one thing, and that's the right to interstate travel, and I wrote this post just so I could make that joke)

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