Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Do This Once and Do This Write

UPDATE: It's June 2013.  This offer still stands.  If I forget to update this in June 2014, this offer will continue to stand.  

It's May.  Therefore across the country, many newly minted JDs are beginning the ten-week legal workout commonly known as BarBri.  You probably already have your books.  They're huge.  There's so much information.  But guess what - most people learn it just fine.

BarBri is boring and long and takes lots of time.  You. Will. Be. Bored.  Trust me.  But we have a solution.

This blog was started by four JDs during a BarBri class.  We all passed the bar.  Most of us passed two.  We need your help.  We need you to help discover stuff to do during BarBri and blog about it.  If you're interested in contributing to this blog, either with an occasional post or regularly for the next few weeks, please let us know.  Shoot us an email: StuffToDoDuringBarBri@gmail.com.  Write a guest post, we'll publish it.  If you do two, we'll set you up with an account.  We won't pay you.  But writing for this blog is the best stuff to do during BarBri.

Give it a try, and share it with your friends.

Originally posted May 23, 2012 @ 4:59 PM EDT


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wrote an eBook about surviving the bar exam. If your readers are interested, they can learn more at http://acethebar.com

    Thanks! And good luck everybody!
